Contact Telephone Numbers


Main number0131 334 3602
Fax0131 316 4816
Out of Hours (NHS24) 111

Community Midwives

Community Midwifes – Monday to Sunday 08:00am – 16:00pm0131 459 7257
First appointments – Centralised Booking Line0131 536 2009
Midwives – 24 hour emergency triage
New Royal Infirmary – Edinburgh0131 242 2657
St John’s Hospital – Livingston01506 524 125

District Nurses

District Nurses – Monday to Friday between 08:00 – 16:30 (An answering machine will take messages if they are out on visits)0131 334 4971
NHS 24 – 16:30 Monday to Fridays and at weekends111

Health Visitors

Health Visitors – Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 (An answering machine will take messages if they are out on visits)0131 334 4955
0131 334 5086


Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh0131 536 1000
Royal Edinburgh Hospital0131 537 6000
Royal Hospital for Sick Children0131 536 0000
St John’s Hospital at Howden01506 523000
Western General Hospital0131 537 1000

Self-Referral Services

Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal disorders)0800 0011 3200
Mental Health Crisis0131 537 6000
Penumbra – Mental Health Support0131 221 9607
Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal disorders)0800 917 9390
Sexual Health (Chalmers)0131 536 1070