Allied Health Professionals

Community Midwives

The practice is served by community midwives who are employed by NHS Lothian.

They can be contacted directly on (0131) 459 7257 Monday to Sunday. 08:00am – 16:00pm

The ante-natal clinics are run by the midwives and appointments are usually booked directly by your designated midwife.

When you first become pregnant, your first appointment should be arranged by contacting the Centralised Booking Line on (0131) 536 2009

District Nurses

There are a team of nurses employed by Lothian Primary Care NHS Trust and based at Ladywell Medical Centre (West). They can be contacted directly on 334 4971 Monday to Friday between 08:00 – 16:30. An answering machine is available if the nurses are out on calls. This tape is checked at regular intervals during the day. After 16:30 Monday to Friday, and at weekends, they can be contacted through NHS24 on 111.

The nurses visit housebound patients in their own homes and assess their nursing and healthcare needs to provide a co-ordinated and holistic quality service to patients registered with the practice. They work closely with carers, GPs, hospitals, hospice services, social work services, physiotherapy and chiropody.

The team would be happy to discuss any further details about the community nursing service in the north west locality in Edinburgh.

Health Visitors

Health Visitors are qualified nurses who have undertaken specialist training in community and Public Health nursing.

Members of the Health Visiting Team offer support and provide health promotion advice on many health issues such as immunisation, infant feeding, sleep and behaviour management and aim to support famillies with general child health concerns.

The Team also undertake developmental assessment at scheduled intervals and work closely with other partner agencies, including local nursery schools and Early Years providers and can offer assessment and appropriate referral when necessary. 

A new parents group, drop in sessions and local breast feeding support group are available to families with babies up to six months of age.

The Team can be contacted on 0131 334 4955/5086 (08.30-16.30) Monday to Friday.   An answering machine will take mesages if they are out of office.