GP Registrars are attached to the practice for one year. Having had several years’ experience in hospital, he or she is working for an additional year in general practice prior to becoming a fully-fledged GP.
With your consent, the registrar may video your consultation for teaching, training or assessment purposes. It is likely that this area will develop further in the next few years.
Medical Students
The practice is committed to teaching medical students.
First year medical students come to the practice to start to learn about factors which influence health. Second year medical students are introduced to history taking and examination.
Final year students are attached to the practice on a regular basis and may be present with the doctor when he/she is consulting or visiting.
You may be offered an appointment with a senior medical student with a doctor in attendance or you may be asked to see a student before seeing the doctor with whom you booked the appointment.
Your consent will be sought beforehand, and it is perfectly acceptable if you prefer that a medical student not be present, and your consultation or visit to be only with the doctor. We are very grateful for patient support in this important work in training tomorrow’s doctors.