Online Prescription request
Please allow 72 hours or 3 working days for all repeat prescription requests. Allow 4 working days if your prescription is collected from a Pharmacy.
It is your responsibility to ensure you have ordered your medication in plenty time.
For security reasons, telephone requests cannot be accepted.
There are various ways that you can order a prescription with us, please see the list below:
- You can hand in your Repeat Request slip to your usual pharmacy
- You can have your Local Pharmacy request on your behalf
- You can complete the Request Form at our reception desk
- Or you can follow the link below to order a prescription if you have registered for the service
We would appreciate if you do not telephone to check if your prescription is ready, please check with your Pharmacy.
Please note: To provide best access for all our patients, there is no requirement to register and sign in to order repeat medication. To comply with GDPR regulations this form does not store your information and therefore you must enter only the medication details you require for each order.
Your Repeat Medication
If you need regular medication and your doctor does not need to see you every time, you will be issued with ‘repeat prescription’. When you collect a prescription you will see that it is perforated down the centre. The left-hand side is the actual prescription. The right-hand side (re-order slip) shows a list of medicines that you can request without booking an appointment to see a doctor. Please tear off this section (and keep it) before handing the prescription to the chemist for dispensing.
If you forget to request a Repeat Prescription
If you forget to obtain a prescription for repeat medication and run out of important medicines, you may be able to get help from your pharmacy. Under the Urgent Provision of Repeat Medication Service, pharmacists may be able to supply you with a further cycle of a previously repeated medicine without having to get a prescription from your GP. If you receive stoma products from your pharmacy or other suppler and/or receive suppose such as continence products and welfare food from community services, you should ensure you have sufficient supplies as you may encounter difficulties in obtaining theses over public holidays, or when we are closed.
How to order your medication
In person
You can do this by returning the right-hand half of a previous prescription for the required medications, or by submitting a handwritten request.
Please put this repeat prescription request in the box on the reception desk.
By post
You can post your prescription slip or written request to us at the Practice. You can include a stamped addressed envelope for return by post if you will not be able to pick up your prescription from the surgery. (Please allow extra time for any possible delays with the postal service).
Pharmacy Ordering/Collection Service
Pharmacies offer a prescription collection service from our Practice.They can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.
For security reasons, telephone requests cannot be accepted.
Medication reviews
The doctors at the Practice regularly review the medication you are taking. This may involve changes to your tablets, in accordance with current Health Board policies. Please be reassured that this will not affect your treatment. We may sometimes call you in for a medication review and this may involve blood tests. It is very important that you attend these appointments, as it keeps you safe whilst taking medication.
Non-Repeat Items (Acute Requests)
Non Repeat Prescriptions known as “Acute” prescriptions are medicines that have been issued by the Doctor but not added to your repeat prescription records. This is normally a new medication issued for a trial period and may require a review visit with your Doctor prior to being added onto your repeat prescription records.
Some medications are recorded as acute as they require to be closely monitored by the Doctor. Examples include many anti-depressants, drugs of potential abuse or where the prescribing is subject to legal or clinical restrictions or special criteria. If this is the case with your medicine, you may not always be issued with a repeat prescription until you have consulted with your Doctor again.
Hospital Requests
When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive five days supply of medication.
On receipt of your medication requirements, which will be issued to you by the hospital, please bring this to the surgery or post via S.A.E. before your supply of medication has run out.
Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by the GP first, and if necessary your Doctor will issue you with a Prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue you with your prescription on that day, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by the Doctor, your prescription should normally be ready by 4pm on that day, or you may be advised to attend the next day.
Additional Requests of Repeat Medication
A Scottish home and Health Department circular from 1971 clarifies the position on prescribing for patients going abroad for extended periods. It states:-
“If a patient intends to go away for a longer period(than two to three week’s holiday) he/she may not be regarded as a resident of this country and would not be entitled to the benefits of the National Health Service…. It may not be in the patient’s best interest for him/her to continue to self-medication over such longer periods…. If a patient is going abroad for a long period, he/she should be prescribed sufficient drugs to meet his/her requirements only until such time as he can place himself/herself in the care of a doctor at his/her destination.”
Where ongoing medical attention is not necessary, the patient may be given a private prescription.