Please note a sick or fit note can be backdated, emergency or urgent appointments should not be used to request sick or fit notes.
Is your sick note required for a condition presenting for the first time?
Please call reception on 0131 334 3602 to make a routine appointment with any GP to arrange this.
Is your sick note required for a condition for which you have had a line before/line extension?
Please call reception on 0131 334 3602 to make a routine appointment with the GP who gave them the line the last time.
Request a note online
If you are off work due to a hospital admission, a sick note can be issued by the hospital to cover the period of time you were in the hospital. Once discharged, your GP can issue a sick note, based on your hospital discharge letter. If you think this is your situation, our Reception team will assist you.
If you have been sick for more than four days in a row, but less than seven, you can self–certify your illness using a SC2 form. You can obtain this form from your employer or by visiting the HMRC website. If you are unwell for more than four days you are advised to arrange an appointment to see a Doctor to assess your fitness to work.
How to count sick days
When you work out the number of days that you’ve been sick, you need to count all the days in a row you’ve been sick, including days you don’t normally work such as weekends and public holidays.
Statement of Fitness for Work
The Doctor will provide you with a Statement of Fitness for Work (‘Fit Note’) if you are still not well enough to work. Your employer will most likely request this statement as evidence to support payment of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).
Further information is available at the Direct.Gov website.
Private Certificates
If you or your employer require further information concerning your period(s) of illness , then your Doctor may require to issue you with a letter. Please note that a charge may apply for this service. Please check with our reception desk.