Implant Request and Consent

Request an appointment for contraceptive implants

This is a free NHS service provided by Ladywell Medical Centre West. The appointments are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

It’s open to our patients registered with the practice.

Implant FAQs


We hope to provide an appointment within 3 weeks. Our Appointments are available 4 weeks in advance, they are released on a weekly basis. We currently only operate on Wednesday and Thursday.


Our staff are experienced in the procedures and have completed all the required training.

Please look at the following site for further information: NHSinform

Implant consent
A contraceptive implant is a small, flexible rod that is placed just under the skin of your upper arm.

It releases a progestogen hormone similar to the natural progesterone produced by the ovaries and it works for 3 years.

Please complete the request form below.

Please use format day/month/year e.g. 12/05/1979
Enter Email
One of our clinicians will contact you on this number in the next few days.

Please ensure you answer all questions.

What do you need ? *
Do you have any medical problems? *
Please complete if you answered Yes above.
Do you think you could be pregnant? *
Have you had any irregular bleeding? *
Have you ever had any reactions to a local anaesthetic? *

Privacy Policy

This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.